
Building election results datasets isn’t easy. I am grateful to the following people and organisations for the essential assistance they have provided in this task.

I am grateful to the Samoan Office of the Electoral Commissioner for making recent election results data readily available on its website. I am very grateful to Professor Jon Fraenkel for sharing much of the data that this database draws upon.

I’m grateful to my colleague Sachini Muller for her work on this project, particularly her data analysis. I’m also grateful to Ashlee Betteridge for her ongoing help in the creation of election results websites. I’m grateful to Wilma Gillies and Salwa Dastgeer for their early research assistance.

I am very grateful to Jack Corbett for helping to get this project up and running. I am also very grateful to Roannie Ng Shiu for all her input, insight, engagement and advice. I am also grateful to George Carter for his advice.

I’m grateful to the Australian National University’s Department of Pacific Affairs for their support of this work. I am grateful to the Development Policy Centre for its support and also to the Crawford School of Public Policy for providing me with the research grant I used to fund some of this work.

Terence Wood