27 February 2023 The importance and limits of interhousehold transfers in urban PNG by Louise Morauta
7 September 2022 Shifting the dial on child malnutrition in the Pacific and Timor-Leste by Mercy Chipo Jumo
4 May 2022 Improving livelihoods in remote lowland communities in PNG by Matthew'wela Kanua and Michael Bourke
12 July 2021 Childhood malnutrition widespread in PNG’s Strickland Bosavi region by Russ Stephenson and Shirlynna Lowagipo
29 July 2020 Coastal fisheries in a pandemic: Solomon Islands and Vanuatu experiences by Hampus Eriksson, Anouk Ride, Delvene Boso, Dirk Steenbergen and Pita Neihapi
11 February 2019 Malnutrition: a pervasive problem, but one that can be fixed by Kavitha Suthanthiraraj
7 September 2018 Chickens and women’s empowerment: why the New York Times is wrong by Juan Pablo Villanueva-Cabezas