10 October 2023 Australia’s support for safe abortion globally by Bettina Baldeschi, Daile Kelleher and Anu Kumar
29 May 2023 Accelerating progress on menstrual health in East Asia and the Pacific by Chelsea Huggett, Julie Hennegan and Brooke Yamakoshi
19 September 2022 The unspoken truth: restrictions on abortion care in the Asia-Pacific by Kelly Durrant and Phoebe Ryan
19 November 2020 Trump’s gag rule on abortion: legacy and future by Emma Clark Gratton and Lisa Camilleri
20 October 2020 Australia should lead on Pacific cervical cancer elimination by Nate Henderson and Deborah Bateson
28 May 2020 Collaborating for menstrual health rights in the Pacific by Chelsea Huggett and Michelle Laws
25 July 2012 Pacific Buzz (July 25): Political round up | Fiji plots, arrests and decrees | Family planning boost | Unrealistic energy targets | Search for missing millions… and more by Devpolicy-PiPP