31 October 2012 Note: Whatever happened to the Pacific Seasonal Worker Pilot Scheme evaluation? by Stephen Howes
22 October 2012 Illegal labour and red tape: another industry perspective on the Pacific Seasonal Worker Program by Anna Berry
16 October 2012 Why there isn’t a labour shortage in horticulture: an industry perspective on backpackers and the Pacific Seasonal Worker Program by Stephen Howes
8 August 2012 Pacific Buzz (August 8): Diplomatic relations restored with Fiji | Peter O’Neill returned as PM | Two more Melanesian women MPs elected… and more by Devpolicy-PiPP
1 August 2012 Aid buzz (Aug 1): Pac. seasonal workers – final numbers and new caps | Senate enquiry into aid to Afghanistan | ADRAS | More by Jonathan Pryke
2 July 2012 June blog digest: More on Pacific labour mobility | Fiji’s confidence deficit | Questions over PNG’s sovereign wealth fund | Blog summary by Stephen Howes
1 May 2012 April blog digest: Pacific labour mobility | PNG’s lost decade | the 85-15 aid debate by Stephen Howes
18 April 2012 Pacific Buzz (April 18): Latest from PNG | Internet benefits | Labour mobility | Managing tuna…and more by Devpolicy-PiPP
4 April 2012 Australia’s Pacific Seasonal Worker Pilot Scheme: why has take-up been so low? by Stephen Howes and Danielle Hay