Title: Preconditions for economic growth: a PNG perspective Author: Donald Gumbis Volume, Number, and Year: Volume 25, Number 1, 2010
Author: ashleebetteridge
A national policy for the informal economy in Papua New Guinea
Title: A national policy for the informal economy in Papua New Guinea Author: John D. Conroy Volume, Number, and Year: Volume 25, Number 1, 2010
Kicking goals or offside: is tourism development in the Pacific helping progress towards the MDGs?
Title: Kicking goals or offside: is tourism development in the Pacific helping progress towards the MDGs? Author: Joseph M. Cheer Volume, Number, and Year: Volume 25, Number 1, 2010
An empirical analysis of price and income elasticities of Papua New Guinea’s exports
Title: An empirical analysis of price and income elasticities of Papua New Guinea’s exports Author: Giles Dickenson-Jones and Albert Wijeweera Volume, Number, and Year: Volume 25, Number 2, 2010
Doomsday postponed?
Title: Doomsday postponed? Author: Anthony van Fossen Volume, Number, and Year: Volume 25, Number 3, 2010
Back to basics: towards integrated social protection for vulnerable groups in Vanuatu
Title: Back to basics: towards integrated social protection for vulnerable groups in Vanuatu Author: Steven Ratuva Volume, Number, and Year: Volume 25, Number 3, 2010
Pacific trade liberalisation and tariff revenues: a comment
Title: Pacific trade liberalisation and tariff revenues: a comment Author: Uwe Kaufmann Volume, Number, and Year: Volume 25, Number 3, 2010
Tensions at the Gold Ridge mine, Guadalcanal, Solomon Islands
Title: Tensions at the Gold Ridge mine, Guadalcanal, Solomon Islands Author: Daniel Evans Volume, Number, and Year: Volume 25, Number 3, 2010
Theory and practice of regulation in small economies: the Fijian experience
Title: Theory and practice of regulation in small economies: the Fijian experience Author: Mahendra Reddy Volume, Number, and Year: Volume 25, Number 3, 2010
Vakatorocaketaki ni taukei: the politics of affirmative action in post colonial Fiji
Title: Vakatorocaketaki ni taukei: the politics of affirmative action in post colonial Fiji Author: Steven Ratuva Volume, Number, and Year: Volume 25, Number 3, 2010