Title: Risks and rewards of allowing seasonal workers from the Pacific into AustraliaAuthor: Satish ChandVolume, Number, and Year: Volume 23, Number 2, 2008
Author: ashleebetteridge
Improving access to finance through land titling: evidence from the Hoskins Smallholder Oil Palm Project
Title: Improving access to finance through land titling: evidence from the Hoskins Smallholder Oil Palm ProjectAuthor: Charles YalaVolume, Number, and Year: Volume 23, Number 1, 2008
Breaking away from the land policy stalemate
Title: Breaking away from the land policy stalemateAuthor: Theodore Levantis and Charles YalaVolume, Number, and Year: Volume 23, Number 1, 2008
The rehabilitation of coffee plantations in Papua New Guinea: the case of Obihaka
Title: The rehabilitation of coffee plantations in Papua New Guinea: the case of ObihakaAuthor: Reuben W. Sengere, Willie Susuke and Bryant AllenVolume, Number, and Year: Volume 23, Number 1, 2008
Managing the Gulf of Papua prawn fishery: sustainability, maximum returns and cooperation between commercial fishing and indigenous fishing communities
Title: Managing the Gulf of Papua prawn fishery: sustainability, maximum returns and cooperation between commercial fishing and indigenous fishing communities Author: Tom Kompas and Ron Kuk Volume, Number, and Year: Volume 23, Number 1, 2008
Rolling RAMSI forward: some ideas from the literature
Title: Rolling RAMSI forward: some ideas from the literatureAuthor: Aaron Batten and Satish ChandVolume, Number, and Year: Volume 23, Number 1, 2008
A ‘clean up campaign’ for Fiji’s economy
Title: A ‘clean up campaign’ for Fiji’s economyAuthor: Ron DuncanVolume, Number, and Year: Volume 22, Number 2, 2007
Swim or sink: the predicament of the Fiji economy
Title: Swim or sink: the predicament of the Fiji economyAuthor: Satish ChandVolume, Number, and Year: Volume 22, Number 2, 2007
Constructing a governance index for Cook Islands, 1985–2005
Title: Constructing a governance index for Cook Islands, 1985–2005 Author: Azmat Gani and Ron Duncan Volume, Number, and Year: Volume 22, Number 2, 2007
50/50 by 2020: poverty and redistributive politics in post-independence Fiji
Title: 50/50 by 2020: poverty and redistributive politics in post-independence Fiji Author: Satish Chand Volume, Number, and Year: Volume 22, Number 2, 2007