home > issue > 2002, Volume 17, Number 1
Sunil Kumar and Biman C. Prasad, Fiji’s economic woes: a nation in search of development progress
Satish Chand, Vanuatu – a case of mixed performance
Anthony van Fossen, Offshore financial centres and internal development in the Pacific islands
Terry Dwyer, Information exchange and global economic regulation -for whose benefit?
David Lea, Incorporated land groups: part of the problem or part of the solution?
Chinna Kannapiran, Demand for imports in Papua New Guinea
Anthony J. Regan, The Bougainville political settlement and the prospects for sustainable peace
Scott MacWilliam, Poverty, corruption and governance in Fiji
Mahendra Reddy, Padma Lal, State land transfer in Fiji: issues and implications
Satish Chand, Conflict to crisis in Solomon Islands
Book Reviews
Digby Race, Loggers and Degradation in the Asia Pacific: corporations and environmental management.
Ron Duncan, Introduction to the Ethics of Business and Development in Melanesia.
David Throsby, Culture and Sustainable Development in the Pacific.
Chris McMurray, The New Shape of Old Island Cultures: a half century of social change in Micronesia.