Title: Civil society and the National Integrity System in Papua New GuineaAuthor: Marcus Pelto Volume, Number, and Year: Volume 22, Number 1, 2007
Tag: PNG
Agricultural productivity, the electoral cycle and ENSO effects in Papua New Guinea
Title: Agricultural productivity, the electoral cycle and ENSO effects in Papua New GuineaAuthor: Roderick Duncan Volume, Number, and Year: Volume 23, Number 1, 2008
Why do Papua New Guinean voters opt for clientelism? Democracy and governance in a fragile state
Title: Why do Papua New Guinean voters opt for clientelism? Democracy and governance in a fragile state Author: Oskar Kurer Volume, Number, and Year: Volume 22, Number 1, 2007
The dynamics of Papua New Guinea’s democracy: an essay
Title: The dynamics of Papua New Guinea’s democracy: an essay Author: Bill Standish Volume, Number, and Year: Volume 22, Number 1, 2007
Rethinking the need for land reform in Papua New Guinea
Title: Rethinking the need for land reform in Papua New Guinea Author: Jim Fingleton Volume, Number, and Year: Volume 22, Number 1, 2007
Growth, investment and productivity in Papua New Guinea
Title: Growth, investment and productivity in Papua New Guinea Author: Ebrima Faal Volume, Number, and Year: Volume 22, Number 1, 2007
Governance for growth: priorities for a reform-minded Papua New Guinea government
Title: Governance for growth: priorities for a reform-minded Papua New Guinea government Author: Satish Chand Volume, Number, and Year: Volume 22, Number 1, 2007
HIV mainstreaming in Papua New Guinea, and its role in supporting good governance
Title: HIV mainstreaming in Papua New Guinea, and its role in supporting good governance Author: Kate Butcher Volume, Number, and Year: Volume 22, Number 1, 2007
Participatory planning for eco-trekking on a potential World Heritage site: the communities of the Kokoda Track
Title: Participatory planning for eco-trekking on a potential World Heritage site: the communities of the Kokoda Track Author: Stephen Wearing, Simone Grabowski, Paul Chatterton and Jess Ponting Volume, Number, and Year: Volume 24, Number 3, 2009
Shock exposure-commodity prices and the kina
Title: Shock exposure-commodity prices and the kina Author: Gae Kauzi and Thomas Sampson Volume, Number, and Year: Volume 24, Number 1, 2009