Title: The sustainable development of Fiji’s energy infrastructure: a status reportAuthor: Anirudh Singh Volume, Number, and Year: Volume 24, Number 2, 2009
Tag: Energy
Can the Fijian economy be saved by ethanol production?
Title: Can the Fijian economy be saved by ethanol production? Author: Peter J. Stauvermann and Sunil Kumar Volume, Number, and Year: Volume 24, Number 3, 2009
The economic feasibility of coconut-oil bio-fuels in the Pacific
Title: The economic feasibility of coconut-oil bio-fuels in the Pacific Author: Tim Martyn Volume, Number, and Year: Volume 25, Number 3, 2010
Methods for assessing the contribution of renewable technologies to energy security: the electricity sector of Fiji
Title: Methods for assessing the contribution of renewable technologies to energy security: the electricity sector of FijiAuthor: Matthew DornanVolume, Number, and Year: Volume 24, Number 3, 2009