Title: Strengthening Fiji’s national poverty policies in the context of regionalismAuthor: Rukmani Gounder Volume, Number, and Year: Volume 22, Number 2, 2007
Tag: Poverty reduction
Generating livelihoods: a study of urban squatter settlements in Solomon Islands
Title: Generating livelihoods: a study of urban squatter settlements in Solomon Islands Author: Helen Esther Maebuta and Jack Maebuta Volume, Number, and Year: Volume 24, Number 3, 2009
Trialling the Millennium Villages Project in Papua New Guinea
Title: Trialling the Millennium Villages Project in Papua New Guinea Author: Alan C. Hauquitz Volume, Number, and Year: Volume 25, Number 1, 2010
50/50 by 2020: poverty and redistributive politics in post-independence Fiji
Title: 50/50 by 2020: poverty and redistributive politics in post-independence Fiji Author: Satish Chand Volume, Number, and Year: Volume 22, Number 2, 2007
Does mining sector growth matter for poverty reduction in Papua New Guinea?
Title: Does mining sector growth matter for poverty reduction in Papua New Guinea? Author: Gaurav Datt and Thomas Walker Volume, Number, and Year: Volume 21, Number 1, 2006
Mapping poverty in rural Papua New Guinea
Title: Mapping poverty in rural Papua New Guinea Author: John Gibson, Gaurav Datt, Bryant Allen, Vicky Hwang, R. Michael Bourke and Dilip Parajului Volume, Number, and Year: Volume 20, Number 1, 2004
Attacking poverty in Papua New Guinea, but for how long?
Title: Attacking poverty in Papua New Guinea, but for how long? Author: John Gibson and Susan Olivia Volume, Number, and Year: Volume 17, Number 2, 2002
Poverty, corruption and governance in Fiji
Title: Poverty, corruption and governance in Fiji Author: Scott MacWilliam Volume, Number, and Year: Volume 17, Number 1, 2002
Constraints on poverty reduction in Papua New Guinea
Title: Constraints on poverty reduction in Papua New Guinea Author: Ron Duncan Volume, Number, and Year: Volume 15, Number 2 Supplement, 2000
Reflections on poverty assessments in Papua New Guinea, Fiji and Vanuatu
Title: Reflections on poverty assessments in Papua New Guinea, Fiji and Vanuatu Author: Maev O’Collins Volume, Number, and Year: Volume 14, Number 1, 1999