Title: A survey of growth and development issues in the Pacific islands Author: B. Bhaskara Rao, K.L. Sharma, Rup Singh and Nalini Lata Volume, Number, and Year: Volume 23, Number 2, 2008
Author: admin
Size matters: the impact of aid on institutions
Title: Size matters: the impact of aid on institutionsAuthor: Chakriya Bowman and Satish Chand Volume, Number, and Year: Volume 23, Number 2, 2008
Estimating aid-growth equations: the case of Pacific island countries
Title: Estimating aid-growth equations: the case of Pacific island countries Author: B. Bhaskara Rao, K.L. Sharma and Rup Singh Volume, Number, and Year: Volume 23, Number 2, 2008
Factors influencing trade between Fiji and its Asian partners
Title: Factors influencing trade between Fiji and its Asian partners Author: Azmat Gani Volume, Number, and Year: Volume 23, Number 2, 2008
Agricultural supply response in Fiji
Title: Agricultural supply response in FijiAuthor: Phillip Hone, Henry Haszler and Tevita Natasiwai Volume, Number, and Year: Volume 23, Number 2, 2008
Institutional reform and state capacity in the South Pacific
Title: Institutional reform and state capacity in the South PacificAuthor: Desmond Uelese Amosa, Jashwini Narayan, Rafia Naz and Atishwar Pandaram Volume, Number, and Year: Volume 24, Number 2, 2009
Understanding Fiji’s declining foreign reserves position
Title: Understanding Fiji’s declining foreign reserves positionAuthor: Paresh Kumar Narayan and Seema NarayanVolume, Number, and Year: Volume 24, Number 2, 2009
The withdrawal of EU sugar preferences and the bittersweet reform pill for Fiji
Title: The withdrawal of EU sugar preferences and the bittersweet reform pill for FijiAuthor: Renuka Mahadevan Volume, Number, and Year: Volume 24, Number 2, 2009
Fixing Fiji’s civil service overweight problem: a challenge
Title: Fixing Fiji’s civil service overweight problem: a challengeAuthor: Desmond Uelese Amosa, Jashwini Narayan, Rafia Naz and Atishwar Pandaram Volume, Number, and Year: Volume 24, Number 2, 2009
Vanuatu’s good recent growth performance and prospects
Title: Vanuatu’s good recent growth performance and prospectsAuthor: Stephen Howes and Nikunj Soni Volume, Number, and Year: Volume 24, Number 1, 2009