Title: Comparative economic performance in Papua New Guinea and Fiji Author: Desh Gupta and Theodore Levantis Volume, Number, and Year: Volume 14, Number 1, 1999
Tag: PNG
Reflections on poverty assessments in Papua New Guinea, Fiji and Vanuatu
Title: Reflections on poverty assessments in Papua New Guinea, Fiji and Vanuatu Author: Maev O’Collins Volume, Number, and Year: Volume 14, Number 1, 1999
Economic growth in Papua New Guinea: some empirical evidence
Title: Economic growth in Papua New Guinea: some empirical evidence Author: Bryan S. Graham Volume, Number, and Year: Volume 13, Number 2, 1998
Fiscal responsibility legislation and its relevance to Papua New Guinea
Title: Fiscal responsibility legislation and its relevance to Papua New Guinea Author: Brian Brogan, Michael Woods and Carla Schmidt Volume, Number, and Year: Volume 13, Number 2, 1998
Taking a piece of the pie: Papua New Guinea’s log exports and optimal taxation
Title: Taking a piece of the pie: Papua New Guinea’s log exports and optimal taxation Author: Theodore Levantis and John Livernois Volume, Number, and Year: Volume 13, Number 2, 1998
Are voluntary transfers an effective safety net in urban Papua New Guinea?
Title: Are voluntary transfers an effective safety net in urban Papua New Guinea? Author: John Gibson, Geua Boe-Gibson and Frank Scrimgeour Volume, Number, and Year: Volume 13, Number 2, 1998
Indirect tax reform and the poor in Papua New Guinea
Title: Indirect tax reform and the poor in Papua New Guinea Author: John Gibson Volume, Number, and Year: Volume 13, Number 2, 1998
Monetary policy in Papua New Guinea: a critical analysis
Title: Monetary policy in Papua New Guinea: a critical analysis Author: Mike Manning Volume, Number, and Year: Volume 13, Number 2, 1998
Recent economic events in Papua New Guinea: a continuing drought in development
Title: Recent economic events in Papua New Guinea: a continuing drought in development Author: Charles Yala and Theodore Levantis Volume, Number, and Year: Volume 13, Number 2, 1998
Tourism in Papua New Giunea: a comparative perspective
Title: Tourism in Papua New Giunea: a comparative perspective Author: Theodore Levantis Volume, Number, and Year: Volume 13, Number 1, 1998