Title: Small Pacific island states: development of international trade Author: Patrick Laplagne Volume, Number, and Year: Volume 12, Number 1, 1997
Tag: Pacific islands (general)
Small Pacific island states: development of international trade
Title: Small Pacific island states: development of international trade Author: Colin S. Mellor Volume, Number, and Year: Volume 12, Number 1, 1997
Trade liberalisation and economic cooperation: the island states of the South Pacific
Title: Trade liberalisation and economic cooperation: the island states of the South Pacific Author: Satish Chand Volume, Number, and Year: Volume 12, Number 1, 1997
Empowering the region: a proposal for a Pacific Islands Investment Development Fund
Title: Empowering the region: a proposal for a Pacific Islands Investment Development Fund Author: Stephen Henningham and Janaline Oh Volume, Number, and Year: Volume 11, Number 2, 1996
Tackling environmental threats on Pacific atolls
Title: Tackling environmental threats on Pacific atolls Author: Colin Hunt Volume, Number, and Year: Volume 11, Number 2, 1996
An acronym for every problem?
Title: An acronym for every problem? Author: Ian Oxenford Volume, Number, and Year: Volume 10, Number 2, 1995
Is there a need for a Pacific Islands Development Bank?
Title: Is there a need for a Pacific Islands Development Bank? Author: James Mak and Seiji Finch Naya Volume, Number, and Year: Volume 9, Number 2, 1994
The single European market and Pacific island trade interests
Title: The single European market and Pacific island trade interests Author: David Robertson Volume, Number, and Year: Volume 7, Number 2, 1992
New Zealand’s economic links with Pacific island countries
Title: New Zealand’s economic links with Pacific island countries Author: Rory McLeod Volume, Number, and Year: Volume 6, Number 1, 1991
New Markets for South Pacific Products
Title: New Markets for South Pacific Products Author: William McCabe Volume, Number, and Year: Volume 2, Number 2, 1987