Title: Book review. Commercial Management Companies in the Agricultural Development of the Pacific Islands, Andrew McGregor, Charles Eaton and Michael Manning Author: Ron Duncan Volume, Number, and Year: Volume 7, Number 2, 1992
Tag: Reviews
Book reviews.The Western Samoan Economy: prospects for recovery and long-term growth Te’o Ian Fairbairn. The Solomon Islands Economy: prospects for stabilisation and sustainable growth PDP Australia Ltd. The Tongan Economy: setting the stage for accelerated growth Unisearch
Title: Book reviews.The Western Samoan Economy: prospects for recovery and long-term growth Te’o Ian Fairbairn. The Solomon Islands Economy: prospects for stabilisation and sustainable growth PDP Australia Ltd. The Tongan Economy: setting the stage for accelerated growth Unisearch Author: David Robertson, RV. Cole Volume, Number, and Year: Volume 7, Number 1, 1991
Book reviews. Aid and development in the South Pacific, Peter Baua, Wolfgang Kasper, Savenca Siwatibau, et al. The Centre for Independent Studies, St Leonards and Auckland, 1991
Title: Book reviews. Aid and development in the South Pacific Author: Graeme S. Dorrance Volume, Number, and Year: Volume 6, Number 2, 1991
Book reviews. The oil markets of the Pacific Rim: into the 1990s. Paul McDonald, Financial Times Business Information, London, 1990
Title: Book reviews. The oil markets of the Pacific Rim: into the 1990s. Author: Helen Hughes Volume, Number, and Year: Volume 5, Number 2, 1990
Review. Women and education in Papua New Guinea and the South Pacific. Eileen Wormald and Anne Crossley (eds)
Title: Book review. Women and education in Papua New Guinea and the South Pacific. Eileen Wormald and Anne Crossley (eds) Author: Brian Brogan Volume, Number, and Year: Volume 5, Number 1, 1990
Book reviews.Economics of Fishery Management in the Pacific Islands Region. Proceedings of an international conference held in Hobart, Tasmania, 20-22 March 1989. Policy Modelling in the Small Island Economies of the South Pacific: The Case of Vanuatu.
Title: Book reviews.Economics of Fishery Management in the Pacific Islands Region. Proceedings of an international conference held in Hobart, Tasmania, 20-22 March 1989 Author: Gilles Blanchet and Ethan Weisman Volume, Number, and Year: Volume 4, Number 2, 1989
Book reviews. Economic Development in Seven Pacific Island Countries Christopher Browne with Douglas A. Scott
Title: Book reviews. Economic Development in Seven Pacific Island Countries Christopher Browne with Douglas A. Scott Author: Ethan Weisman Volume, Number, and Year: Volume 4, Number 1, 1988
Reviews. Financial Institutions and Markets in the South Pacific, Michael T. Skully
Title: BOOK REVIEWS. Financial Institutions and Markets in the South Pacific, Michael T. Skully Author: Graeme S. Dorrance Volume, Number, and Year: Volume 3, Number 2, 1988
Reviews. Business and Investment Environment in the South Pacific (Fiji, Papua New Guinea, Solomon Islands, Tonga, Vanuatu), Asian and Pacific Development Centre (APDC), South Pacific Bureau for Economic Cooperation (SPEC), vii + 284 pp. Kuala Lumpur, Sun UBook Col Sdn Bhd.
Title: BOOK REVIEWS Business and Investment Environment in the South Pacific (Fiji, Papua New Guinea, Solomon Islands, Tonga, Vanuatu), Asian and Pacific Development Centre (APDC), South Pacific Bureau for Economic Cooperation (SPEC), vii + 284 pp. Kuala Lumpur, Sun UBook Col Sdn Bhd. Author: Graeme S. Dorrance, Rodney V. Cole Volume, Number, and Year: Volume…
Review. Dudley G. Luckett, Monetary Policy in Fiji
Title: BOOK REVIEWS. Dudley G. Luckett, Monetary Policy in Fiji Author: G.S. Dorrance Volume, Number, and Year: Volume 2, Number 1, 1987