Aid profiles 2019
Sally Lloyd: the essence of community development
Glenyys and Graham Romanes: trailblazers
Really ending river blindness: Mark Sullivan and John Reeder
Aid profiles 2018
Elizabeth Reid: transforming adversity into impact
Sanasa: Sri Lanka’s Grameen Bank, and Australia’s role
Kylie Mines and Motivation Australia: change in motion
Aid profiles 2017
The Fiji Women’s Crisis Centre: three decades of Australian support
Gillian Mellsop: from Auckland to Addis
Heni Meke: from nurse to CEO
Fessehaie Abraham: the refugee who brought Eritrea to Australia
Gabrielle Persley: bridging bioscience and development
Aid profiles 2016
Robyn Alders: saving chooks, empowering women
Aisyiyah: 99 years of women’s empowerment
Helen Evans: a decade on the frontiers of global health
Peter Singer’s effective altruism
Not the Millennium Villages: Colin and Ria in Eastern Indonesia
Phillip Passmore: not your ordinary pharmacist
Bill Armstrong: volunteering with attitude
About the Aid Profiles
Further reading
Devpolicy Blog
Devpolicy website
Australian aid tracker
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