Development Policy Centre Discussion Paper No. 94
April 2021
This paper uses a previously unstudied dataset of Australian NGO projects in developing countries to describe important aspects of Australian NGOs’ international work. Topics covered include NGO crowding in small Pacific states, aid fragmentation, whether NGOs sustain their work in individual countries over time, and whether NGOs focus more on countries where need is greater. By and large the paper’s findings are encouraging. Across the areas covered, there is little clear evidence of serious issues, at least for the typical NGO. There is also some encouraging evidence of sectoral strengths. Yet findings vary between NGOs. This variation points to questions for future academic research and to areas which the NGO sector itself should investigate further.
Wood, T. 2021, ‘Australian NGOs overseas’, Discussion Paper No. 94, Development Policy Centre, Crawford School of Public Policy, Australian National University, Canberra.