Aid Open Paper: Introduction

The first installment of the Aid Open Paper will be published on Monday 1 November and will look at patterns and trends in Australian aid.

There is bipartisan support for increasing the Australian aid program to 0.5% of Gross National Income by 2015-16, which implies a doubling of aid to over $8 billion from current levels, and a quadrupling from the $2 billion of 2005. Yet, despite this massive scale-up, aid policy remains an area starved of research and public discussion.

Written by the Centre’s Director, Stephen Howes, and Deputy Director, Matthew Morris, as a series of blogs, this paper will kick off the debate over the direction of Australian aid program. Every few weeks, starting on Monday, we will address questions such as:

  • What is the historical background and current shape of the Australian aid program, and where are we heading?
  • Where should the aid program focus?
  • What should happen to technical assistance?
  • Should Australia provide more multilateral aid?
  • What budget processes will best support an efficient scaling up?
  • What institutional changes are needed to support a scaled-up aid program?
  • How accountable is the Australian aid program, and how can accountability be improved?
  • Should Australian aid make more use of partner government systems?

We invite your comments to our blogs as we try to generate a genuine debate and discussion over the future direction of the Australian aid program.

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Matthew Morris

Matthew Morris helped to establish the Development Policy Centre and served as the Centre’s first Deputy Director. Matt is a development economist with 25 years’ experience. He is currently an independent consultant.

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