Are all gender strategies created equal? Examining the new German, US and UK approaches by Alice Ridge and Lotte Wolff 30 May 2023
Are all gender strategies created equal? What Australia can learn from Germany, the UK and US by Alice Ridge and Lotte Wolff 30 May 2023
The 2020 aid budget and gender: where’s the telescope? by Alice Ridge and Joanna Pradela 15 October 2020
A feminist foreign policy for Australia: establishing Australia as a global leader on gender equality by Joanna Pradela and Alice Ridge 20 April 2020
Gender in the 2019-20 Australian aid budget by Roslyn Dundas, Caroline Lambert, Alice Ridge and Elena Robertson 7 May 2019
The delicate dance of gender equality in Australia’s foreign policy by Caroline Lambert, Alice Ridge and Alex Lamb 31 May 2018