For those to the north and south of us at Devpolicy, here are two upcoming development events that may be of interest.
Melbourne: Complex? Nah, just a Tuesday–a conversation series on the complexity of international development practice
Targeted at mid-level international development practitioners, these monthly meet-ups (on the second Tuesday of every month, starting 12 August through to 9 December) will discuss various approaches to managing the complexities involved in development work. Convened by Katherine Gilbert and Rebecca Spratt, the series will challenge practitioners “to reflect on the personal beliefs, values and motivations that underpin our work, and how these interact with our work context and relationships” and “talk about how these interactions play out in the context of Melbourne-based development practice”.
Further details on the sessions and registration here.
Brisbane: Beyond Aid Business and Development Conference
Just before the G20 Summit, GRM International will host the Beyond Aid: Business and Development Conference on 12 November in Brisbane. The program is organised around three key topics: developmentally effective public-private partnerships; innovative development finance; and the role of the private sector in assisting developing countries in climate change adaptation and mitigation.
Further details and registrations here