BSP office and, PostPNG office in Paiam Town, Porgera District, Enga Province (Kamaini.wane-Wikimedia Commons)

Paiam town was built for the Porgera goldmine community

BSP office and, PostPNG office in Paiam Town, Porgera District, Enga Province (Kamaini.wane-Wikimedia Commons)

BSP office and, PostPNG office in Paiam Town, Porgera District, Enga Province (Kamaini.wane-Wikimedia Commons)

Anne Moorhead

Anne Moorhead is a freelance writer and editor specialising in sustainable development with a focus on the Pacific islands region. She works as a consultant editor for Devpolicy Blog. Anne is also co-owner and chocolate maker at KokoMana in Savusavu, Fiji.

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