
Thank you for the great opportunity.
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Please, I'm interested and I need a application form.
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No, you're not eligible, but you could look into the aged care visa. See Stephen.
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Hi Natasha, If I already have visa (subclass 600)and a certificate III in individual disability course which I also did a practical with a recognised aging home centre completing my 120hr required hours after successfully gaining my certificate from a recognised institute in Australia, due to my age (60) am I still not eligible? your advise is much appreciated, thanks
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I am very interested to be the participant of Pacific Engagement Visa,I have current valid passport and education relevant documents, so please do not hesitate to accept me too. I am willing. Thank you.
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From Nathan Laimson John on May 2024 aid news
Thank you, Australia, for the undivided assistance on disaster relief materials and funds to people of Mulitaka in PNG's Enga Province.
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Intending to do the same. Any response from PEV authorities??
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I'm Interested as well, how can I get my self registered. Thank you Robert Jovina
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