
sir i like live and settle in Australia to support my family
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This is such a great opportunity for Papua New Guineans between the ages of 18 and 45 to apply for. I think the estimated cost of living in Brisbane should be multiplied with 12 months to give K75,600. I say this because under the Item 2 section 192.212 of the Migration Amendment (Subclass 192 (Pacific Engagement) Visa) Regulations 2024, the applicant successful selected applicant is required to have adequate means of funds to support himself/herself for the next 12 months. By saying this I would assume that in the "actual PEV application" there would be a requirement to show your latest bank statement showing proof that you have roughly K75,000 or more. Natasha do correct me if my assumption is wrong.
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Hi Natasha, Thanks for the updates. Kind Regards. Sipora.
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Thank you Natasha for the opportunity for us Papua New Guineans to apply for this program.
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Hi Natasha, Appreciate the valuable information provided. Question: 1. If my wife is not legally married to me, will she still be considered if I put her name on as dependents? 2. If both my wife and daughter are yet to get a passport or in the case of my daughter a birth certificate, will that affect the application? 3. If I applied but exclude my dependents due to the above, can I still include them later on in the visa application? Would appreciate you responds to above. Cheers!
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Hi Natasha, Thankyou for the information,I very much needed it. My husband is working in Australia, under PALM scheme and he us well aware of this,and he's awaiting for the mentioned registration dates.My question is,,"is it necessary for me to apply as well?"
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I would like to take this Time to Thank those of your who are taking Lead and Initiate this Brilliant idea. Generations after Generations, we have seen Unequal Distribution of everything and I don't want my kids and grandchildren to go through the Same thing. I will be happy to leave The country where poor get poorer and rich get richer.
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I am very interested to participate in this program. This program is very helpful for us Papua New Guinea citizens. Please keep me up to date on this program.
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Hello Stephen! I'm from Timor Leste, now I work in Perth Australia, as a seasonal work 9 months a year! This year I have worked for second season in western Australia, under controlled by PALM, and my passport will expire next year on January 3, 2025, can I register on the 3rd now? Big regard from me.
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Firstly I wanna thank you Natasha for your time and commitment getting all these information available for us. Secondly my son has all the necessary documents required as he'll be undertaking his study next year, 2025 as he as been given a scholarship by the Ferguson Education of Australia to study there. I am asking he is eligible to apply for a permanent residency? Thanks
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