Change and continuity in Australian aid: what the aid flows show

Change and continuity in Australian aid: what the aid flows show
Australian aid to Indonesia following the 2018 earthquake and tsunami (Timothy Tobing/DFAT/Australian Embassy Jakarta/Flickr)

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Dr Terence Wood will present the recently published report that examines the changing nature of Australian government aid through the lens of publicly available data on aid flows, which provide evidence of change and allow direct comparisons between Australia and other OECD Development Assistance Committee donors. These comparisons help highlight where Australian aid conforms with international norms of good giving, where Australia lags behind the global community, and where it is a global leader.

Key findings include: a striking fall in aid generosity over time; very limited use of aid to support climate change adaptation; a strong focus on gender and women’s empowerment; and good practice in limiting aid fragmentation across countries.

Read the full report here, and the executive summary here.


Dr Terence Wood is a Research Fellow at the Development Policy Centre. Terence’s research focuses on the domestic political economy of aid in donor countries, public opinion about aid, NGOs, aid effectiveness in poorly-governed states, and Melanesian electoral politics. Prior to commencing PhD study Terence worked for the New Zealand Government Aid Program.

This webinar is free and open to the public. It will be recorded, and the recording will be made available after the event through the Development Policy Centre website.

Arichika Okazaki

Arichika Okazaki is a Senior Program Officer at the Development Policy Centre.

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