Opportunity to work as a lecturer in economics at UPNG

Austraining has just advertised an Australian Volunteers for International Development position for an ”Economics Teaching and Research Fellow” to work in the Division of Economics of the University of Papua New Guinea (UPNG) for a period of one to two years.

It is no exaggeration to say that, sadly, economics is in a state of crisis in PNG. The only place where it is taught is at UPNG, and the Economics Division there only has one full-time, permanent faculty, a lecturer. The resulting quantity and quality problems have massive flow-on effects for PNG more broadly, making it difficult for government and non-government institutions alike to recruit and retain quality staff.

The assignment should be a really interesting one, with opportunities to teach, research and engage in policy outreach. It will be a terrific experience for anyone interested in development. And you’ll benefit not only from your immersion within UPNG, but from the opportunity to develop close, collaborative links with us at the Development Policy Centre.

You’ll be well looked after, as you’ll be part of the well-resourced Australian aid volunteering program run by Austraining in PNG.

So, if you want to do your bit to help PNG address its crisis in economics, and have a great learning experience at the same time, consider applying for the job.

Or, put it this way. Whether or not you’ve trained in economics, you’ve probably heard of the law of diminishing returns, the idea that the more you have of something the less the value of an additional unit. The law of diminishing returns must make this assignment one of the most valuable and important ever. It’s one case where the cliché that you can make a real difference is actually true.

You can find the job here. Look for Economics Teaching and Research Fellow, Assignment Code: AV0214PG04P.

And if you have any questions, please contact me or Anthony Swan at anthony.swan@anu.edu.au.

Stephen Howes

Stephen Howes is Director of the Development Policy Centre and Professor of Economics at the Crawford School of Public Policy at The Australian National University.

1 Comment

  • Hi my name is Tracey . I was online and I googled jobs for economist in PNG and came across this. I think Mr Cornish, my current lecturer got this job. I just wanted to say thank you to everyone behind this scheme and the australian government. I am more than thankful for Mr Cornish I have learnt more than I would probably have if it wasn’t for you guys. Thanks again 🙂

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