DFID last week released an interim report from the update to its 2011 Multilateral Aid Review (MAR), and it shows that some UN agencies previously slammed for having low value for money have made progress on reform.
Following the 2011 MAR, DFID withdrew core funding from the International Labour Organisation, UN Human Settlements Programme, UN Industrial Development Organisation and the UN International Strategy for Disaster Reduction. The Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), UNESCO, International Organization for Migration (IOM), and the Commonwealth Secretariat were placed on ‘special measures’, requiring immediate improvement.
According to the update, FAO, UNESCO and IOM have made ’reasonable progress’ in addressing reform priorities, while the Commonwealth Secretariat has made ‘some progress’. The Guardian has summarised some of the findings from the interim report here.
According to the update, the progress demonstrates that the MAR has had a big impact, not only on UK aid delivery but on how multilaterals do their work.
A full report from the MAR update will be published by the end of the year.