UPNG Economics students star at Precinct launch

Fourth year UPNG Economics students Ms. Hera Hoi (left) and Ms. Florentina Dom (right) with Foreign Minister Julie Bishop.
Fourth year UPNG Economics students Ms. Hera Hoi (left) and Ms. Florentina Dom (right) with Foreign Minister Julie Bishop.

University of Papua New Guinea (UPNG) Economics students stole some of the limelight at the launch last Friday of the new Pacific Leadership and Governance Precinct.

The Precinct, which brings together the UPNG School of Business and Public Policy and its next-door neighbour, the PNG Institute of Public Administration, was launched by Australian Foreign Minister Julie Bishop and three PNG Ministers: Public Services Minister Puka Temu, Higher Education Minister Malakai Tabar and Foreign Minister Rimbink Pato.

UPNG Economics students were featured in the Precinct’s publicity and headline the official Precinct launch video (available here). And they had their photos taken with all of the Ministers present.

Through the Precinct, the Development Policy Centre, as part of the Crawford School of Public Policy, is leading the ANU engagement with the UPNG School of Business and Public Policy (where Economics is located). We have had two lecturers in place there this year, Rohan Fox and Michael Cornish, and will be sending more up next year.

Third and fourth year UPNG Economics students with Ministers Puka Temu, Rimbink Pato, Julie Bishop and Malakai Tabar.
Third and fourth year UPNG Economics students with Ministers Puka Temu, Rimbink Pato, Julie Bishop and Malakai Tabar.

Stephen Howes

Stephen Howes is Director of the Development Policy Centre and Professor of Economics at the Crawford School of Public Policy at The Australian National University.

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