UPNG looking for economists

The University of Papua New Guinea is conducting a huge hiring round as part of its rebuilding and reform program (as reported on earlier this year here). Included in this round are two economics positions:

  • Professor/Associate Professor in Economics (job description here [pdf]).
  • Lecturer/Senior Lecturer in Economics (job description here [pdf]).

A PhD is required for the positions of Senior Lecturer and above, but if you have a Masters you may be eligible for the Lecturer position.

Also included in the hiring round are positions in accounting, business, anthropology, engineering, English, geology, linguistics, journalism and political science.

International candidates are welcome to apply, with UPNG providing a salary loading depending. While the base salary is low, the various allowances make it more competitive, and housing may be available on campus.

The University of PNG Department of Economics and the Australian National University Crawford School of Public Policy have developed a partnership which any new economists at UPNG would be able to benefit from.

Contact the Head of the UPNG Department of Economics, Thomas Wangi (thomas.wangi@hotmail.com), if you want to find out more.

Stephen Howes

Stephen Howes is Director of the Development Policy Centre and Professor of Economics at the Crawford School of Public Policy at The Australian National University.

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