2018 PNG Update call for papers

10 November 2017

The annual PNG Update is the premier forum for the discussion of research and analysis relating to contemporary economic and public policy issues in PNG.

Organised by the University of Papua New Guinea’s School of Business and Public Policy and the Australian National University’s Development Policy Centre, the 2018 PNG Update will be held in Port Moresby on 14-15 June 2018. Following the success of the 2017 Update, speakers will be invited to present in four parallel sessions at venues across the University of Papua New Guinea. Participation is free and open to the public.

The Update is multi-disciplinary in nature. Under the general theme of “PNG in the year of APEC” conference presenters will address the following broad issues:

  • PNG’s economic outlook and fiscal management
  • Regional political and economic relationships
  • Institutional development and service delivery
  • Governance and the political economy of development
  • Human security in local, national and international perspective
  • Community health, resilience, and adaptation in conditions of uncertainty
  • Strategies for sustainable, broad-based and inclusive development in PNG.

Abstracts of 300 words or less should be submitted online here by 1 February 2018. All abstracts will be reviewed by the organising committee and you will be notified whether your abstract has been accepted or not shortly after the deadline for submissions has closed.

UPNG’s School of Business and Public Policy and ANU’s Development Policy Centre would like to acknowledge the generous funding support from The University of Papua New Guinea, The Australian National University, and the Australian Aid Program.

To make inquiries about the Update, please contact Dr Michael Cookson at ANU’s Development Policy Centre or Dr Albert Prabhakar at UPNG’s School of Business and Public Policy. More information can be found here.


Sachini Muller

Sachini Muller was a Research Officer at the Development Policy Centre. She is currently completing a Master of Globalisation at ANU.

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