Aid and Development Linkage

29 September 2010
  • The Guardian has launched a new website in partnership with the Gates Foundation to focus attention on global development. The aim is to create a global hub for information, debate and action by promoting long-term development stories and funneling data, bloggers and readers towards one website. A fantastic initiative that should be replicated down south.
  • How does foreign aid affect armed conflict? This blog post analyses a recent paper which concludes that sudden and severe drops in foreign aid significantly increase the probability of violent conflict and even civil wars.
  • An interesting article on Samasource, an NGO which distributes IT work from large multinationals such as Google to workers in developing countries. And a response from a blogger sceptical of the initiative.
  • heated and entertaining debate between John McArthur, CEO of Millennium Promise, and William Easterly, co-editor of the Aid Watch blog, on the Millennium Development Goals and the accountability of regional organisations such as the World Bank.
  • And finally, what we have learned from the all this Millennium Development Goal talk? Among other things listed in this blog post, that summits are necessary but announcements can be distracting.

Danielle Cave is a Research Associate at the Lowy Institute for International Policy.

A version of this article was first published here in the Lowy Interpreter.


Danielle Cave

Danielle Cave is a Research Associate in The Myer Foundation Melanesia Program at the Lowy Institute for International Policy. In this role, Danielle conducts research focused on the Pacific Islands region, as well as on aid and development issues.

Prior to joining the Lowy Institute at the beginning of 2009, Danielle worked for two years as the Editorial Coordinator for the Sydney bureau of the Yomiuri Shimbun, Japan’s largest daily newspaper. She has a Masters degree in International Security from the University of Sydney and a Bachelor degree in Business from the University of Technology, Sydney.


  1. Hi Matt & Bonnie,

    Matt – anytime, I am happy I can contribute something and excited to watch your blog grow!

    Bonnie – I really enjoyed your MDG post and I am glad you found your way to this new development policy blog.

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  2. Danielle,

    Thanks for contributing to the Development Policy blog. It’s a great addition and a useful summary of key development policy debates.

    Best wishes,


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