
Hi Roland, In answer to your questions: 1) Yes, job location determines your place of residence in Australia and cost of living in that state 2) According to the Home Affairs website it is the normal PNG police clearance that costs K65 3) This is the job requirement of the visa that allows for either you or your spouse (even if you are the principal applicant) to secure a job offer Good luck!
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Hi, I can respond to this. You won't be able to get unemployment benefits (Jobseeker). That's the main one.
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I can reply to this one. The PEV ballot will be run every year.
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Hi Anne, Yes, it doesn't matter if you've had a tourist visa rejected. As long as you have a passport and meet the other criteria regarding age and birth you can apply. And yes, you can help others apply. As long as the application is in their name, they (or you) can put down any email address. Good luck! Stephen
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Hi Mr. Howes, I really appreciate your times answering some of the difficult questions from all around the Pacific region. Thank you. I have a question, there are few people who have applied to travel to Australia for holidays but unfortunately their visas were refused. Are they eligible to apply? Can I assist the unfortunate PNG citizens who have no access to online services and apply for their PEV using my email address?
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Sir/Madam, I'd like to apply PALM How should I consult someone here in PNG
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Thanks for the clarification 🙏
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Thanks Stephen for a helpful response. Please do update us on the bank account balance especially.
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Hi Paschalis, If you don't already have an immi account, please go the Home Affairs website and create one so you're ready to register for the ballot come 3 June. The best place to seek advice and guidance through the ballot and visa process is the Pacific Engagement Visa Support Service which is a FREE service set up by the Australian Government. Additional useful links are below: PEV ballot - PEV visa - PEV Support Service FB page - I encourage you to keep reading through those links and ensuring that you are following the PEV updates regularly after you register. DevPol will also provide PEV updates. All the best.
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Hi McQueen, The ballot is designed to ensure that "there is equal access for people of any skill level, occupation and gender". The Australian Government has established the Pacific Engagement Visa Support Service to support applicants with advice from the ballot stage to visa stage that includes job placements. Follow their website and keep an eye out for when they host information sessions in PNG If you are eligible, go ahead and register. I hope this response encourages many other young Papua New Guinean women and men. Consider the total costs to permanently migrate so you can start setting aside some money in anticipation for a successful ballot outcome. You don’t need K10,000 up front, but you need to access funds to pay for the associated cost if you’re invited to start the visa process. Remember, it's an annual ballot. If you're not successful in this round, it doesn't stop you from trying again in subsequent rounds and at least you'll also have more time to set aside more funds if you need it. All the best!
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