
I'm really interested but please can you help me how to do it .
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Hi, I am Olimpio da Silva Pinto. I am from Timor Leste. Can you help me to register.
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Great piece, Morten. I'd love to think we have the courage and capability to act as you suggest, but I doubt it. We're a middle power determined to be weak, except in unrealistic rhetoric and military posturing. Still, all things must pass. Good to have ideas and alternatives if ever we get back to energetic, constructive, international engagement.
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I'm a student and athlete from PNG. I used to travel around the country. I very interested to stay in Australia for training and looking for job.
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Hi, I have read and have registered for the ballot. I have gone through the website to seek more information and have noticed that there'll be a info session in various dates in POM however I am a Lae base resident and I unable to attend. my questions are 1 .If our names are selected do we get to choose which part of the country we would like to settle in? 2. For dependents will they be able to travel on a later date whilst the sucessful applicant goes ahead to settle in first? 3. The information session will provide aid to applicants to do up their CVs for job search if successful. I am based in Lae do I go to Australian Consulate- General to seek such help? 4. Will a toddler medical fee be the same at the adult? Please if my questions can not be answered here it would be very much helpful if I could be directed to correct place to seek answers. Thank you and thank you for this life time opportunity given to us Papua New Guineans. No one understands a cry of a young mother trying to go by to give the best to her offspring. 😊
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Thankyou Alyssa Leng for being transparent. Don't want to be an idiot and clumsy on my own land. What the Proposed Gold Bill now is projecting is, Slavery on my own land. Too early for this move cause we are not yet prepared Can the current government look for any other ways to boast our economy ? Don't let the survival of the fittest be our vision but always be fair and kind to both strong and weak , rich and poor, wise and dummy. Please reconsider.
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I'm so interested but please could you help me how to do it.
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Applications are online. See for details.
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You'll need a passport to apply. Applications are online. See for details.
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