DP40 Australian public opinion on foreign aid, 2011–2015

Development Policy Centre Discussion Paper No. 40

By Camilla Burkot and Terence Wood

August 2015

What does the Australian public think about foreign aid? This Discussion Paper collates and summarises survey and omnibus poll data collected between 2011 and 2015 on a range of topics related to Australian foreign aid. These include opinions related to the value and objectives of foreign aid, cuts to the aid budget, and knowledge about aid volumes. Overall, the findings suggest that most Australians support the government giving aid, though only a small proportion actually know how much foreign aid Australia gives, and many are in favour of reducing the aid budget. The paper also considers how the wording and framing of survey questions might affect Australians’ professed support for aid, and outlines areas for future research.

Burkot, C. & Wood, T. 2015, ‘Australian public opinion on foreign aid, 2011–2015’, Discussion Paper No. 40, Development Policy Centre, Crawford School of Public Policy, Australian National University, Canberra.

Karen Downing

Karen Downing is Research Communications Coordinator at the Development Policy Centre.