
  1. I have a question and that is how is the PEV ballot being processed; as in are people still being approved? is the department going through each application to consider people to apply?

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  2. Is there any information on the gender of the applicants? I just wrote a gender analysis on this visa for an ANU class…! Interested to know if there was a gendered bias.

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  3. Why is there an unfair distribution of PEV visa, given Fiji’s significant presence in overseas employment? Fijian workers are known for their hard work, resilience, and excellence, even in unskilled visa categories. With the high demand for overseas opportunities from Fiji, why is Papua New Guinea being offered more placements?

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    • Hi Emele, I do not speak for those distributing the places but you have already answered your own question there: there are already more Fijians in Australia than people from any other Pacific country, and part of the motivation here was to expand opportunities to those with historically less access. Of course, PNG also has ten times the population of Fiji. I don’t disagree with anything your have said about Fijian workers though, and agree that there should be a large increase in places for Fiji (and all participating countries) next year.

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  4. So the 300 visas reserved for Samoa and Kiribati plus the unused visas for Palau 50-9= 41, FSM 50-8=42, (300+41+42= 383) visas will be distributed among the high PEV demanding countries like Fiji, Tonga, TL, SI, Tuvalu, Vanuatu, and PNG for the second ballot selection?

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    • I hope so. That would make sense, but it has not yet been announced. Note for Palau and FSM some primary applicants would have applied with family, so the number of spare visas will be less than 41 and 42, respectively.

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