Fornightly links: polio eradication, the rise of China, TB, and more

India has been polio-free since 2011 (Scott Edmunds/Flickr/CC BY 2.0)
India has been polio-free since 2011 (Scott Edmunds/Flickr/CC BY 2.0)

The world is on the brink of polio eradication – a historic breakthrough – but according to Laura Keer, the end of polio may tip many countries into a health disaster.

Tuberculosis has resumed its position as the world’s leading infectious killer, reports Project Syndicate.

On the ABC, Future Tense has an episode on the rise of China and the future of aid; it also has an episode on the SDGs, the future of Australian aid policy and the Pacific.

A $10 million investment may only create a of couple hundred direct jobs; David Robalino explains why.

Five months after the Rohingya crisis began, refugees are still fleeing Myanmar. And now, rumours of repatriation are sowing fear among those in Bangladesh Rohingya camps.

A new report by The Freedom Fund provides insights into modern slavery and interventions that work.

Sachini Muller

Sachini Muller was a Research Officer at the Development Policy Centre. She is currently completing a Master of Globalisation at ANU.

Terence Wood

Terence Wood is a Fellow at the Development Policy Centre. His research focuses on political governance in Western Melanesia, and Australian and New Zealand aid.

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