Development Policy Centre


  • Thank you for opportunity that has given to people Timor Leste and especially for me. I am a seasonal worker from East Timor. I’m very interested to apply for the PEV visa for work and school in Australia. In the name of the Jesus, I hope I will sucessful.🙏

  • Hello I have 2 questions:

    1. I noticed there were information session for Papua New Guineans in Port Moresby and Mt Hagen. Do we have one for Lae? Appreciate if you can advice.

    2. The ballot for PEV will close on the 2nd of August 2024 – Please if you can advice when is the draw for the ballot?

  • Thank you, Australian Government, I deeply think that this opportunity is a great opportunity for me and my young family…🙏

    • Thank you, Australia Government, I deeply think that this opportunity is a great opportunity for me and my family

  • Hi, I have read and have registered for the ballot.
    I have gone through the website to seek more information and have noticed that there’ll be a info session in various dates in POM however I am a Lae base resident and I unable to attend.
    my questions are
    1 .If our names are selected do we get to choose which part of the country we would like to settle in?
    2. For dependents will they be able to travel on a later date whilst the sucessful applicant goes ahead to settle in first?
    3. The information session will provide aid to applicants to do up their CVs for job search if successful. I am based in Lae do I go to Australian Consulate- General to seek such help?
    4. Will a toddler medical fee be the same at the adult?
    Please if my questions can not be answered here it would be very much helpful if I could be directed to correct place to seek answers.

    Thank you and thank you for this life time opportunity given to us Papua New Guineans.
    No one understands a cry of a young mother trying to go by to give the best to her offspring. 😊

    • Hi Sharmya, You can settle anywhere provided you have a job. Dependants can travel later. For questions 3 and 4, wait and see if you are selected in the ballot. Good luck, Stephen

    • Hi I am Marcelino. I am from Timor-Leste. I have been in Australia for 4 years. Now I got permanent contract from Inghams factory I am interested to apply PEV visa.

    • I’m a student and athlete from PNG. I used to travel around the country. I very interested to stay in Australia for training and looking for job.

  • Hi, I am currently visiting my family in Australia on tourist visa and I am interested in PEV . Am I eligible to apply?

  • Hi team at the Development Policy Centre,
    Thank you for all the information you have provided. I appreciate for this thus that will direct some of us to apply for this new Pacifica Engagement Visa to live and work in Australia. Currently I’m living and working in Papua New Guinea and I’m interested to apply for this visa. I have few queries here as listed below:
    1. Is this opportunity is only for those individuals from the participating countries who are already living and working in Australia or it also includes those of us who are living and working in our home countries?
    2. If my ballot is randomly selected and I’m given a invitation to apply for PEV, but if I don’t have enough money to sponsor visa fees for myself and dependents, is it okay for me to exclude my dependents for applying PEV and I can proceed with the visa fees for myself and they can be invited later under this Visa.

  • I m Luis,
    I have a question to ask, I have all the documents for the Visa application as I am working in Australia right now, except the married certificate. I am a married man but I don’t have a married certificate. Does it effect the visa application if I am selected in the ballot?

  • I’m so happy to apply for the (PEV) and I have my valid passport,
    NID, temporary valid visa and alos police clearance as well; I’m really interested to (pev) applicants to apply so could you please assist how I’m gonna apply?

    • To be able to apply for the Pacific Engagement visa (subclass 192), you must first register in the PEV ballot. If you are randomly selected in the PEV ballot, you can then apply for the visa. To find out if you can register in the ballot, see Ballot eligibility.

  • Me and my partner a working now in Australia for PALM scheme. We would like to apply for permanent residency visa to be able to bring how kids here and we need help from your support team to help us find for another job to make our living in Australia.

  • Can someone else pay for your PEV registration fee using their bank details or do you need your own bank details?

  • Can an individual holding a temporary Australian work visa and residing in Australia apply for the ballot?

    Additionally, if the application is unsuccessful, will it affect the current visa status of the individual?

  • When will the ballot become available so we can pay 25$ to apply?
    Is it today 03/06/24?

    Kindly confirm & revert

  • Alright, could you people advise me how to apply for Pacific engagement visa. I’m a first year student at Divine Word University ( wewak campus) here in Papua new guinea and studying Batchelor in Education.

  • I’m Monica Paka a teacher by profession. I’m interested, please I need information to apply.


  • Hi Nathasa,

    How will the Australian Government free PEV support services assist with job matching or to secure formal employment with persons who are currently employed?

    • Hi Nathasa,

      I’m so keen to apply for the permanent residency and I have, my valid police clearance, NID and passport with me.
      Thus, I’m about to launch my application now
      However, I’ve only one question, is the PEV team going to help us to secure a job prior moving into Australia or we have to send in applications on our own to secure an employment.

      Your favorable response will be highly appreciated.

      Thank you for your consideration.

      Yours Faithfully
      Interested Candidate

      • Yes, if you are successful in the ballot, you will be assisted to find a job. There is no guarantee that you will be successful, but you will be assisted.

  • Thank you Dev Policy Team. For the police clearance certificate, it is the visa police clearance or normal png police clearance?

    • Hi Roland,

      Thank you for your question. According to the Home Affairs website for the PEV subclass 192, it redirects you to the RPNGC site that lists all the different types of police clearances.

      To meet the PEV visa character requirement, it would be the PNG Police Character Check @ PGK65. There are instructions to download that the form and make payment provided in the link below.

      • I’m a student of DIVINE WORD UNIVERSITY (St.Benedict’s Campus, Wewak Branch) undertaking the Diploma of Education. I’m really interested to study in your country.

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