Max Rosser has a great primer on global poverty.
A joint investigation by Univision and seven Latin American media outlets reveals deep, systemic injustices in the public defense institutions in the region.
Bloggingheads has a fascinating discussion on the efficacy of non-violent protest and whether it might have worked in Syria.
In an op-ed, Neil Howard of the University of Antwerp challenges what he sees as misrepresentations of voluntary child labour as trafficking.
Last week, coinciding with World Malaria Day (April 25), the World Health Organization announced a three-country field trial of the most promising malaria vaccine to date. Commencing in 2018, the trial will test the RTS,S vaccine in 360,000 children under the age of 2 in Ghana, Malawi and Kenya.
A post on the Just Giving blog reports the results of an interesting informal experiment involving signing up for 100 charity email lists.
“What has aid ever done for anyone?” A clever new pro-aid ad from Save the Children UK, based on the (in)famous Monty Python sketch.