7 October 2022 Australia’s Pacific Engagement Visa: building support infrastructure by Rochelle Bailey
1 February 2022 Tonga’s volcanic eruption: impacts on seasonal workers in Australia and New Zealand by Rochelle Bailey, Telusa Tu'i'onetoa, Gemma Malungahu and Charlotte Bedford
22 December 2021 Has COVID-19 ended seafaring for Kiribati? by Maria Borovnik, Charlotte Bedford and Rochelle Bailey
3 June 2021 Stranded seafarers: an unfolding humanitarian crisis by Rochelle Bailey, Maria Borovnik and Charlotte Bedford
21 August 2020 The NT seasonal worker pilot: managing worker safety in the COVID-19 era by Charlotte Bedford and Rochelle Bailey
15 April 2020 COVID-19: RSE responses, challenges and logistics by Rochelle Bailey and Charlotte Bedford
25 March 2020 Border closures and grounded international travel – implications for Pacific seasonal workers by Rochelle Bailey and Charlotte Bedford
1 October 2019 Limiting possible exploitation in transportation services for seasonal workers by Rochelle Bailey