22 March 2013 Careers in development: an interview with AusAID Chief Economist Michael Carnahan by Michael Carnahan and Jonathan Pryke
11 January 2013 Careers in development: an interview with Jo Spratt on careers in the NZ development sector, public health, nursing and consulting by Jo Spratt and Jonathan Pryke
14 December 2012 Careers in development: an interview with Amanda Jupp on private contractors, AYAD and MSF by Amanda Jupp and Jonathan Pryke
29 November 2012 Careers in development: an interview with Dinuk Jayasuriya on the private sector, World Bank Group and academia by Dinuk Jayasuriya and Jonathan Pryke
15 October 2012 October news: Timor-Leste Finance Minister to deliver inaugural Harold Mitchell development policy lecture | Careers in development | More by Development Policy Centre