11 February 2014 Australia’s idealistic medical students: an under-exploited development opportunity? by Jonathan Pryke and Stephen Howes
25 October 2013 Chasing chaos: a primer on the challenges of humanitarian aid work by Ashlee Betteridge
30 July 2013 Careers in development: Robin Sherbourne discusses the ODI Fellowship Scheme by Robin Sherbourne and Jonathan Pryke
24 May 2013 Careers in development: an interview with Frédéric Jeanjean on the AusAID grad program, AYAD and working for the UN by Frederic Jeanjean and Jonathan Pryke
23 May 2013 An ex-volunteer’s perspective on improving the Australian Volunteers program by Ashlee Betteridge
19 April 2013 Careers in development: an interview with Susan Harris Rimmer on a career spanning the private sector, public sector, NGOs, and academia by Susan Harris Rimmer and Jonathan Pryke