Vilu War Museum: tourism in Solomon Islands

Tourism in Solomon Islands is in its infancy. The number of ‘genuine tourists’ to the country is extremely low, with probably only 6,000 visitors each year. There is nevertheless considerable optimism for the sector, which is considered to have strong growth prospects. ‘Niche tourism’ associated with activities such as diving and hiking is seen as a potential source of revenue in a country where the forest and mining industries – the traditional earners of foreign exchange – are in their last years of operation. Solomon Islands’ extensive, and still visible, World War Two history is also an attraction for international visitors.

The Vilu War Museum is hidden behind forest cover about one kilometre from West Guadalcanal Rd. It is less than an hour from Honiara by car, and the recently refurbished road is in good condition. Finding the museum is a challenge. There is no signage on the main road, and the muddy dirt track to the museum is overgrown with long grass.

I was fortunate to visit the museum with a friend who lives in Honiara, and who knew (vaguely) how to find it. We made a few wrong turns, and were twice pointed in the wrong direction, but eventually found our destination. (The challenge of finding the museum seems to extend to the internet: the Australian War Memorial describes the museum as being east of Honiara, when it is in fact west).

Vilu War MuseumThe museum itself is a remarkable assortment of Japanese, American, Australian and New Zealand war relics; remnants of the Guadalcanal campaign in which approximately 30,000 Japanese troops were killed. Aircraft, artillery pieces, and unexploded shells sit in varying condition outside on the beautiful lawns, alongside monuments for fallen Japanese, American, New Zealand, Australian, and Fijian soldiers. The aircraft include a Corsair, Japanese Betty bomber, Lockheed Lightning, and a Wildcat – the latter with still working foldaway wings.

The museum could be a major tourist attraction, and it is visited by World War Two veterans and enthusiasts. But there were no tourists there when we visited, and Anderson Dua (the museum’s owner) seemed very excited at our arrival.

The museum itself has an interesting history. The assortment of war memorabilia were originally collected in the 1960-70s from across Guadalcanal by Dua’s uncle, the late Fred Kona, who brought them to their current location (in some cases against the wishes of veterans who wanted them left in the jungle). Dua assisted his uncle to collect many of the artefacts as a child. He speaks with obvious passion and knowledge about every artefact, and delights in pointing out the best locations and angles for camera shots.

During the ‘Tensions’, the museum was effectively abandoned. Many of its pieces were stolen or vandalised. Dua has done his best to re-assemble pieces and expand the collection. But he laments the fact that the museum’s collection is not as extensive as it was in the 1990s.

Managing the museum has its challenges. Vandalism is an issue. When asked why he hadn’t put up a sign on the main road, Dua smiled. He has put up signs. Three times, in fact. Every sign has been torn down and stolen. So Dua has given up on signage, and relies instead on the odd drop-in visitor and some organised group visitations from Honiara. These are mainly Japanese, American, New Zealand and Australian World War Two enthusiasts. On the wall at the entrance even sits a photo of Dua with Fijian PM Bainimarama, who in 2013 visited the museum’s monument to the 50 Fijian servicemen killed in the Guadalcanal campaign.

But Dua does have plans for the museum. When hearing that one of us was from the New Zealand High Commission, he enquired about how he could get funds for a chainsaw. Some of the trees that sit around the war artefacts need to be cut. Money is also needed for a fence to keep vandals out. Several of the monuments have been damaged by thieves trying to steal materials. Dua cannot afford these investments without assistance: there are simply not enough visitors to the museum, and credit from the bank is not an option without collateral.

The challenges to managing the museum are therefore similar to those faced by other private sector enterprises in rural Solomon Islands. Limits to law enforcement in rural areas result in theft and vandalism. The lack of access to credit (and absence of collateral) hinders investment in the museum. There is also very little support from the government – national or provincial – and next to no promotion by the Solomon Islands Visitors Bureau.

One positive development is the recent rehabilitation of West Guadalcanal road, which was funded by Solomon Islands Government, Asian Development Bank (ADB), Australia and New Zealand. Visitors can now drive to the museum in less than an hour from Honiara, on a sealed road, and in a two-wheel drive vehicle. That’s assuming they can find it, of course.

Matthew Dornan is a Research Fellow at the Development Policy Centre. 

Matthew Dornan

Matthew Dornan was formerly Deputy Director at the Development Policy Centre and is currently a senior economist at the World Bank.


  • I was in the Solomon Islands in March/April 1986 working on a rice project at SolRice. My wife and I were given a pick-up truck for getting around. We went one weekend to the Vilu War Museum. In those less troubled times I had no problem following signs and finding the museum.

    I have beautiful memories of this museum set in the middle of nowhere. The fact that Mags and I were the only visitors added to the atmosphere. For some reason we had the whole place to ourselves. We didn’t see another living soul, still less the curators.

    Some years later I settled in Thailand and have visited the Bridge on the River Kwai and its associated war museums many times. With the throngs of tourists at the River Kwai I can safely that Vilu was far more poignant and atmospheric in its sad depiction of what the war was about on Guadalcanal.

  • It has been a life long wish to visit the Solomon’s. While there is still hope, my time is running out. My great uncle Victor was lost in the Solomon’s in, I believe, 1918.
    His full name, Victor Frederick Augustus Giraud. He was turned down for the military because of poor health he ended up working in the islands.
    I have his last 3 letters (typewritten copies)sent from the Solomon’s, employed with supplying copra and wheat for the war effort. His letters, while having much written on our family, include much on the situation and hardships on the islands.
    They are very interesting letters, a good read and can be passed on to you.
    What I am really asking, is if there is any information on his time in the Solomon’s and his disappearance.
    Any effort toward this cause would be greatfully compensated.
    Byng Giraud

  • Great read Matt, very insightful and moving.
    Thanks for taking the time to write this one up. I have an interest in this and this blog is the best info I have found so far on this museum.
    Now I understand why it is so hard to find anything about the museum.
    I hope that I might be able to help in some small way through my company to assist the upkeep of this important collection.

    Cheers – Phil

  • Thanks Matt for this – it provides a really important insight into the very real challenges faced by small operators, some of whom are established as in this case and others who are new entrants. Here in Vanuatu the province that ‘surrounds’ Port Vila (SHEFA) has its own tourism promotion office. It has pretty much no budget and what it has sometimes finds itself ‘diverted’ to other things. But they have done some really good work with the help of a VSA volunteer in helping small operators such as this one set up their own websites and in promoting attractions, tours and services via their Facebook page. They use this to provide information (including directions!) to both overseas visitors and the (small but not insignificant) domestic tourism market.

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