Category - Pacific migration and labour mobility

Pacific and PNG

Tuvalu’s amazing migration deal

Further details recently released in relation to the Australia-Tuvalu Falepili Union treaty reveal just what a good deal Tuvalu has obtained. We already knew that the treaty would give 280 special visas to Tuvaluans every year, and that these visas would not be tied to any work requirement. We now...

Pacific and PNG

How many PALM workers are in Australia?

A few months ago we noticed a large discrepancy between the number of Pacific Australia Labour Mobility scheme (PALM) workers reported by the Department of Employment and Workplace Relations (DEWR) and the number of PALM workers in country according to visa data from the Department of Home Affairs...

Pacific and PNG

RSE in 2024: growing employer frustration

Employer demand for short-term seasonal workers under Australia’s Pacific Australia Labour Mobility (PALM) scheme is in decline, according to recent analysis by Richard Curtain. This has been attributed to two factors. First, more stringent conditions are being placed on Approved Employers...