19 November 2020 Trump’s gag rule on abortion: legacy and future by Emma Clark Gratton and Lisa Camilleri
8 September 2017 Fortnightly links: elections in PNG and Kenya, contraceptives and more by Camilla Burkot and Terence Wood
21 April 2017 Fortnightly links: Zuckerberg, UNFPA, life expectancy, and Global Fund by Camilla Burkot and Terence Wood
1 February 2017 Global Gag Plus, family planning and Australian aid by Ashlee Betteridge and Camilla Burkot
16 March 2016 Serving Syrian families: an interview with Lama Mouakea by Camilla Burkot and Lama Mouakea
25 July 2012 Pacific Buzz (July 25): Political round up | Fiji plots, arrests and decrees | Family planning boost | Unrealistic energy targets | Search for missing millions… and more by Devpolicy-PiPP
18 July 2012 Development Buzz July 18: Creative destruction in aid | Family planning back on the development agenda | More by Jonathan Pryke
17 July 2012 The London family planning summit: a loss or an opportunity for the Pacific? by Sean Mackesy-Buckley
11 July 2012 About time: putting family planning back on the development agenda by Julia Newton-Howes