Analysis of the ‘PNG solution’ and the August Economic Statement

1 August 2013

Below is a list of our analysis (so far) on Kevin Rudd’s ‘PNG solution’. Stay tuned for more in the coming weeks.


Rampaging soldiers at the Moresby medical school: implications for Rudd’s PNG solution by Stephen Howes

The aid implications of the PNG solution: what isn’t, is, and might be happening by Stephen Howes

Negotiating asylum and settlement in PNG: who has snookered whom? by Michelle Nayahamui Rooney

Asylum seekers, negative nationalism and the PNG solution by Grant Walton

Foreign aid in the August Statement: pushing back the scale up for the fifth time; more details on aid to PNG by Stephen Howes

A whole new set of questions: asylum seekers in PNG communities? by Robin Davies and Stephen Howes

Setting the stage for community detention in PNG and Nauru by Robin Davies


The ‘unquantifiable cost’ of the PNG asylum deal

Asylum seeker issue shouldn’t stop frank Australia-PNG discussions

Nauru asylum seeker announcement: no additional aid and no resettlement?

Related media appearances

Stephen Howes on aid implications of Rudd’s PNG asylum seeker deal

Agreement a make or break for Aussie-PNG relationship

Aid expert says more detailed needed on PNG deal

Australian Government defends new tough asylum seeker policy

Stephen Howes discusses Kevin Rudd’s PNG asylum plan

Soldiers in Moresby: implications for Rudd’s PNG solution

Claim of Australia aid control transferred to PNG dismissed

In veiled swipe at Tony Abbott, PNG lashes Australian politicians for ‘impugning the dignity’ of its leaders

The PNG perspective

PNG refugee deal with Australia leverages AusAID focus shift

Aid implications of PNG deal: what will happen, and what won’t

Rush to deliver fruits of aid dollar to Papua New Guinea

Partnership likely to play out better for PNG

Australia’s new refugee policy features a change in aid focus

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