Newsletter: Helen Evans | PNG Update in 2 weeks | AAC bumper crop | ADB@50 | Pacific PFM | World Bank future

Latest aid profile: Helen Evans

After working on Indigenous health and HIV/AIDS in Australia, Helen Evans rose to leadership positions in two of the world’s biggest health funds, tackling some of the most significant health challenges of our time. Helen’s story is the latest in our Aid Profiles series, profiling the lives of Australians who have made a difference in development.

PNG Update in 2 weeks

The PNG Update will kick off at the UPNG Waigani Campus in Port Moresby on Thursday 3 November with addresses from the PNG Minister for Planning, Charles Abel and the Australian High Commissioner Bruce Davis. Keynote speakers during the two-day event include Professor Betty Lovei on women in leadership, and Finance Secretary Dr Ken Ngangan on public sector finance reform. ANU-UPNG faculty will showcase our joint research, and there’s a special session on the 2015-16 drought and frosts. Panel sessions will examine PNG’s post-boom economy, and address issues relating to gender, infrastructure, sustainability, and much more. The full program is available here. No registration required.

Australasian Aid Conference: humanitarian aid panel

Many thanks to everyone who submitted proposals for the 2017 Australasian Aid Conference. Submissions were up by two-thirds on last year. The program will be released in December. In the meantime, we’re pleased to announce our second plenary panel, on how to fix humanitarian aid. Phoebe Wynn-Pope (Australian Red Cross), Adam Kamradt-Scott (University of Sydney), Paul McPhun (MSF) and our own Robin Davies will discuss the crisis in the current global humanitarian aid system, and explore options for resolving it. Early-bird registration for the conference remains open until November 10.


The Asian Development Bank was founded 50 years ago. Our panel discussion on 26 October at 10am will feature experts from the ANU and Lowy, as well as ADB VP Stephen Groff discussing the last and the next 50 years for the ADB.

Learning from Pacific PFM reforms

A new report [pdf] from the WB, NZAID, DFAT and ODI seeks to learn the lessons from recent public financial management reforms in the Pacific. Report lead author Richard Bontjer will present the main findings at a seminar on Monday 31 October at 1pm. Register here.

World Bank #2 on World Bank future

Kyle Peters is Managing Director at the World Bank, second only to the President in seniority. On Monday November 7, he’ll be presenting a lunchtime lecture at the ANU on “The future of the World Bank.” Register here.

New book

Congratulations to Devpolicy Research Fellow Dr Lhawang Ugyel, now based with UPNG in Port Moresby for publication of his book, Paradigms and public sector reform: public administration of Bhutan.

Upcoming events

State of the PNG public sector

1–2pm, Friday 21 October, Acton Theatre, Crawford School, ANU. Register here

ADB@50: what does the future hold?

10–11.30am, Wednesday 26 October, Barton Theatre, Crawford School, ANU. Register here.

Strengthening public financial management reform in Pacific Island countries

1-230pm, Monday 31 October, Barton Theatre, Crawford School, ANU. Register here.

PNG Update 2016

3–4 November, Waigani Campus, UPNG, Port Moresby. Details here.

The future of the World Bank

12.30-1.30pm, Monday 7 November, Brindabella Theatre, Crawford School, ANU. Register here.

 Economic diversification and tax reform in Papua New Guinea

1230-130pm, 8 December, Barton Theatre, Crawford School, ANU. Register here.

 Australasian Aid Conference 2017

15–16 February, Crawford School, ANU. Event details here.

Blog highlights

An insider’s insight: education in PNG

Seasonal workers organizing

A cost-effective diabetes response

A fragmented future for NGOs

On the blog

Bamsey’s choice: equity vs outcomes at the Green Climate Fund by Robin Davies

Australian aid: relevant, effective and innovative for a changing region by Concetta Fierravanti-Wells

We are not equipped to equip a billion people by Wesley Pryor

An insider’s view on education reform (and corruption) in PNG: an interview with Peter Michael Magury by Peter Michael Magury and Grant Walton

Community support for seasonal workers by Henry Sherrell

Is development destiny? The 2015 GBD report by Camilla Burkot

Cutting costs while improving care: Samoa’s Diabetic Foot Clinic by Katrina McGrath

Evaluating Australian aid evaluations by Terence Wood

The global health threat hiding in the shadows by Sam Byfield

Australian development NGOs: the future is fragmented by Ashlee Betteridge and Stephen Howes

In brief

Fortnightly links: Colombia, Turkey, economists on Africa, border walls, and more

Helen Evans: a decade on the frontiers of global health

PNG: land of opportunities or contradictions?

Ending violence against women: ANU forum

This is the fortnightly newsletter of the Development Policy Centre at Crawford School of Public Policy, The Australian National University, published every second Friday.

Development Policy Centre

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