Category - PNG

Pacific and PNG

From failing state to job creation in PNG

This is an edited excerpt from the 2024 PNG Update keynote address by Governor Allan Bird of East Sepik, delivered at the University of Papua New Guinea on 22 August 2024.  I have said it in Parliament, and I’ll say it here. PNG has all the hallmarks of a failing state. It’s all there...

Pacific and PNG

PNG’s progress since independence: 3 out of 10

This is an edited excerpt from the 2024 PNG Update opening address, delivered at the University of Papua New Guinea on 21 August 2024. A recording of the full address may be viewed here. In 1975, we were fused into one nation and merged over 1,000 tribes, the most diverse nation on the face of...

Pacific and PNG

PNG passports quick, birth certificates slow

In Papua New Guinea, birth certificates are issued by the PNG Civil and Identity Registry (PNGCIR). They are important identity documents, not least because they are required by the PNG Immigration and Citizenship Services Authority (PNGICSA) as prerequisites for the issuance of passports. However...

Pacific and PNG

Are PNG’s ministers more likely to get re-elected?

Ministerial positions are a crucial tool in Papua New Guinea’s clientelist politics. For parliamentarians seeking re-election, being a minister can provide access to resources that could be used to gather support from voters, as well as grant a level of local prestige and national influence. And...