Newsletter: 2017 Pacific Update | European Union aid policy | Duncan Green’s new book | PNG election database

24 March 2017

Pacific Update Call For Papers

The 2017 Pacific Update, will be held on 20 – 21 June at The University of the South Pacific (USP), Suva, Fiji. The Pacific Update Conference is the premier forum for debate and discussion of important public policy issues in the Pacific. See the call for papers. Abstracts invited for submission until 15 April 2017.

European Union Development Policy

Stefano Manservisi is Director-General for International Cooperation and Development (DEVCO) at the European Commission. In his public lecture at 1215pm, on Tuesday 28 March 2017, he will discuss European Union aid policy, with a focus on the Pacific region. Register here.

Duncan Green’s new book

Duncan Green is Senior Strategic Adviser to Oxfam GB and author of the From Poverty to Power blog. In a public event at 1230pm, on Tuesday 4 April, Duncan will discuss his new book How Change Happens, which explores the drivers that shape change. You can read more about the event here, and register your attendance here.

PNG election database

How has candidate voter share changed across PNG over the last few decades? How do female candidates typically fare? You can find the answers to all this and more in the new Papua New Guinea Elections Database, an interactive tool for analysing electoral results and trends in PNG at constituency level over the last 40 years.

Terence Wood was in PNG to launch the database, and you can read coverage of the event here, and hear him interviewed on ABC’s Pacific Beat. You can also read his blog on key electoral points, and discussion paper here.

A reminder that the PNG Update 2017 will be held on 10 – 11 August 2017, and that a call for papers has been issued. Abstracts are accepted until 28 April 2017. Further information here.

Upcoming events

European Union development policy

1215 – 115pm, Tuesday 28 March, Barton Theatre, Crawford School, ANU. Details here.

Understanding how change happens

1230 – 130pm, Tuesday 4 April, Weston Theatre, Crawford School, ANU. Details here.

Australian aid evaluations: new policy; Indonesia roads; and PNG health

2 – 5pm, Monday 10 April, Weston Theatre, Crawford School, ANU. Details here.

Democracy in Africa: past, present and future

1230 – 130pm, Wednesday 12 April, Brindabella Theatre, Crawford School, ANU. Details here.

Complexity in governments and markets

530 – 630pm, Thursday 20 April, Weston Theatre, Crawford School, ANU. Details here.

2017 Pacific Update

20 – 21 June, The University of the South Pacific (USP), Suva, Fiji. Details here.

2017 PNG Update

10 – 11 August, The University of Papua New Guinea, Waigani Campus, Port Moresby. Details here.

Blog highlights

Public support for migration

Five essential facts on the upcoming PNG elections

Tough times for INGOs

Trump’s aid cuts

On the blog

The fight against TB begins with protecting health care workers by Leila Stennett and Joyce Sauk

Want to sell aid to the Australian public? Look to values, not national interests by Terence Wood and Camilla Burkot

Possibilities for transformation of the Tai health system in Shan State, Myanmar by Sharon Bell

Telecommunication and broadcasting regulation in Papua New Guinea – in conversation with the regulator by Amanda H A Watson, Hans Adeg, Kila Aluvula and Gibson Tito

America first, development unplaced: Trump’s 2018 budget proposal by Robin Davies

The end of the golden age by Paul Ronalds

The Papua New Guinea Election Results Database by Terence Wood

What do Australians think about immigration? By Henry Sherrell

#Feminism: digital technologies and feminist activism in Fiji by Tait Brimacombe, Romitesh Kant, Glen Finau, Jope Tarai and Jason Titifanue

In brief

Fortnightly links: famine, feminist development policy, edible drones, snakebite, and more

Devpolicy Blog Reader Poll: the results

Call for papers for 2017 Pacific Update Conference

This is the fortnightly newsletter of the Development Policy Centre at Crawford School of Public Policy, The Australian National University, published every second Friday.


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