Newsletter: Mitchell Humanitarian Award | AAC wrap | PNG currency

Veterinarian Robyn Alders wins inaugural Mitchell Humanitarian Award

In front of a full house at the conference dinner, veterinarian Dr Robyn Alders was named the winner of the inaugural Mitchell Humanitarian Award for her career-long efforts to eliminate Newcastle disease in village chickens. She was presented the prize by Harold Mitchell AO, after whom the award is named. You can read Robyn’s fascinating story here  in our Aid Profiles series, or this story about her win that ran across Fairfax newspapers on the weekend. We’ve also put up a blog on Robyn’s acceptance speech. Stay tuned for a new series of Aid Profiles this year, which will form the shortlist for the 2018 award.

AAC wrap

Read Camilla Burkot and Anthea Mulakala’s wrap of the 2017 Australasian Aid Conference, and Ashlee Betteridge’s winning entry in the Three Minute Aid Pitch. You can also watch video of all plenary, keynote and a few parallel sessions here. We’ll be putting up podcasts and presentations for other sessions shortly, with more blogs to come. Fill in our feedback survey here.  Photos of the conference and conference dinner are now available online, so please feel free to tag yourself and share amongst your networks!

PNG kina overvaluation

In a new policy brief and blog, Marcel Schroder and Rohan Fox analyse the economic fundamentals in PNG and, using an econometric model, find that the PNG currency is overvalued by approximately 20%.

People news

We bid a temporary farewell to Macarena Rojas, who undertakes a six-month secondment at the Sir Roland Wilson Foundation. Returning to fill Macarena’s absence, we are delighted to once again welcome Husnia Hushang.

This week, Matthew Dornan presented the ANU-World Bank Pacific Possible: labour mobility report to senior officials from APEC economies in Nha Trang, Vietnam at a workshop towards the development of an APEC labour mobility framework. Stephen Howes and Henry Sherrell recently hosted a roundtable on Pacific labour mobility with several Pacific embassies. The discussion focused on how to improve existing programs and ideas for the future.

Blog highlights

MP Warren Entsch on TB

Mitchell Award acceptance speech

Australian NGO gender woes

Supply-driven aid in Pakistan

On the blog

How much is PNG’s kina overvalued? By Rohan Fox and Marcel Schroder

9 highlights from the 2017 Australasian Aid Conference by Camilla Burkot and Anthea Mulakala

Focusing on what is important by Robyn Alders

Communications for protection: a three-minute aid pitch by Ashlee Betteridge

Knowledge of sickness and healing, medical pluralism, and health seeking in Vanuatu by John Taylor and Lana Elliott

Ending TB requires global support by Warren Entsch and Nick Herbert

Australian veterinarian Robyn Alders wins inaugural Mitchell Humanitarian Award by Ashlee Betteridge and Stephen Howes

Water and sanitation in Australia’s aid program: building it back better by Bob McMullan and Robin Davies

The aid policy network in Pakistan by Faheem J. Khan

The gender woes of Australian NGOs by Terence Wood

In brief

Fortnightly links: humanitarian aid vs ice cream, DFID’s new strategy, cholera, and more

Research on anti-corruption messages and sharing education findings in PNG

PNG conference on urban safety: abstracts invited

Refugee film ‘Home’ wins best short film award

Gender analysis, and thinking and working politically – bridging the gap

This is the fortnightly newsletter of the Development Policy Centre at Crawford School of Public Policy, The Australian National University, published every second Friday.


Development Policy Centre

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