Newsletter: Australasian Aid Conference 2017 | Aid evaluation forum | Pacific Possible: labour mobility report, podcast and blog | UPNG update

Photo: Tara Davda, Devpolicy

Australasian Aid Conference 2017 and keynote speaker

We are pleased to announce Michael Woolcock as our first keynote speaker at the 2017 Australasian Aid Conference. Dr Woolcock works at the World Bank and the Harvard Kennedy School of Government, and is a leading advocate and researcher on the need for donors to rethink approaches to governance. He will speak on ‘Now for the hard part: strategies for enhancing state capability for implementation’.

The conference will be held on the 15 – 16th February, and brings together researchers in the fields of aid and international development from Asia, Australia and the Pacific. Papers are invited on a range of topics related to aid and development. The closing date is October 1st. Registration details can be found here and the call for papers here.

ODE aid evaluations: investing in teachers and learning from evaluations

Devpolicy will partner with the DFAT Office of Development Effectiveness, ODE, for our next aid evaluation forum. The forum will discuss ODE’s recent evaluation of teacher development, as well as their review of operational evaluations, and DFAT’s new evaluation policy. The event will be held at 930 – 130 on Friday 2nd September, in the Barton Theatre, ANU. Registration for the event can be found here, and the report can be accessed here.

Pacific labour mobility: worth 80% of Pacific GDP

Our report with the World Bank Pacific Possible: labour mobility provides the first quantitative estimate of the value of labour mobility to Pacific islanders – 80% of Pacific GDP. There’s plenty more in the report on labour mobility reforms and impacts. Read the blog here, the report here, and the podcast from our Canberra launch here.

UPNG partnership update

UPNG has announced the recommencement of the disrupted first semester on September 5th. We welcome two new ANU staff, Dr Lhawang Ugyell and Dr Marcel Schröder, to our partnership with UPNG, as lecturers in Public Policy and Economics (respectively), both now based in Port Moresby. We also farewell Michael Cornish, an associate lecturer in economics, and thank him for all his contributions over the last year and a half.

Upcoming events

ODE aid evaluations: investing in teachers and learning from evaluations
2nd September, Barton Theatre, Crawford School, ANU. Register here.

2016 PNG Update
New dates soon, University of Papua New Guinea, Port Moresby. Details here.

Australasian Aid Conference 2017
15th – 16th February, event details here, venue details to follow.

Blog highlights

Can we believe SDG baseline data?

Debating NZ aid predictability (here, here, and here)

Australia’s declining support for Pacific adaptation

On the blog

Labour mobility in the Pacific is worth 80% of Pacific GDP by Stephen Howes, Richard Curtain, Matthew Dornan and Jesse Doyle

A critic’s guide to anti-corruption conferences by Grant Walton

The economic burden of physical inactivity in the Asia-Pacific by Ian Anderson

Telecommunications regulation in Vanuatu – in conversation with Dalsie Baniala by Tess Newton Cain and Dalsie Baniala

Can the SDGs guide us to a ‘new economy’? by Terry Russell

Who gives aid for adaptation to climate change in Oceania? by Carola Betzold

Making hospitality work for urban PNG women by Michelle Nayahamui Rooney

Making education work for those who need it by Sheldon Shaeffer

Data and the SDGs: beyond self-assessment by Philippa Smales

The best laid plans of New Zealand aid budgets by Terence Wood and Jo Spratt

In brief

Fortnightly links: banking and cash transfers, Angola, redistribution, and Rio 2016 by Terence Wood and Camilla Burkot

GE PNG emerging leaders fellowship opportunity by Ashlee Betteridge

What can global and pacific urban studies learn from each other? by Michelle Nayahamui Rooney

This is the fortnightly newsletter of the Development Policy Centre at Crawford School of Public Policy, The Australian National University, published every second Friday.


Development Policy Centre

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