Newsletter: Peter Singer | World Bank future | PNG HIV funding | AAC early bird

Aid Profile series: Peter Singer’s effective altruism

Australian philosopher Peter Singer has been listed among the world’s most influential people. Stephen Howes interviewed Peter Singer earlier this year for the fourth in our Aid Profiles series. They discussed the growth of the effective altruism movement, and Singer’s contribution to it. Read the profile here.

World Bank MD on World Bank future

The Managing Director of the World Bank, Kyle Peters, will be speaking on “The future of the World Bank” at 12:30 on Monday 7 November at the ANU. Details and registration here.

PNG HIV funding: an uncertain future

The Australian government wants to hand over responsibility for HIV treatment from the aid program to the PNG government. Stephen Howes argues against this.

PNG coffee: a history

John Conroy’s latest discussion paper deals with the history of coffee growing in PNG, and the tenaciousness of smallholders over the decades. Read his discussion paper [pdf] and blog.

Australasian Aid Conference: last chance for registration discount

We received a record number of abstracts and panel proposals for the 2017 Australasian Aid Conference — meaning the program is looking to be bigger and better than ever. You can save 20% of the fee if you register by 10 November; full details and the link to register here.

Labour Mobility News

We’ve started a regular newsletter to inform those interested about our latest research and other developments on labour mobility and migration. It will have a strong but not exclusive focus on the Pacific. Subscribe here; feedback here.

New blog compilation book

Our latest blog compilation book was released at this week’s PNG Update. Economics and governance in PNG: Devpolicy Blog posts in 2015-16 is a collection of 20 blog posts on PNG’s economy, education, gender and governance. If you didn’t grab a copy at the Update, you can download the PDF here.

Upcoming events

The future of the World Bank

12.30-1.30pm, Monday 7 November, Barton Theatre, Crawford School, ANU. Register here.

Economic diversification and tax reform in Papua New Guinea

12.30-1.30pm, Thursday 8 December, Barton Theatre, Crawford School, ANU. Register here.

Australasian Aid Conference 2017

15–16 February, Crawford School, ANU. Event details here.

Blog highlights

The costs of aid bypass

Wonder Woman: a poor UN choice

Backpacker exploitation & the SWP

Latest podcasts

Strengthening public financial management reform in Pacific Island countries

ADB@50: what does the future hold?

State of the PNG public sector – Mr John Ma’o Kali

An interview with Helen Evans

On the blog

Do unskilled migrants push down living standards in the OECD? by Matthew Dornan

Coffee, market economy and informality in late colonial Goroka by John Conroy

Hungry for justice, thirsty for change by Sarah Marland

Why donors bypass recipient states, and why they shouldn’t by Nematullah Bizhan

Transferring HIV treatment to the PNG government: a good idea? by Stephen Howes

‘Boundless plains to share’: the development impact of migration to Australia by Robin Davies

Backpacker exploitation: why Australia should look to the Pacific by Stephen Howes and Henry Sherrell

Diabetes remains major health challenge in the Pacific by Colin Tukuitonga

Wonder Women aren’t (just) the stuff of fiction by Camilla Burkot and Ashlee Betteridge

Why should Australia care about ending polio? by Ian Riseley

In brief

Fortnightly links: tramadol, US foreign assistance, Saudi Arabian suffrage, and more

PNG Update this week + new blog compilation book

Peter Singer’s effective altruism

New book: assessing food needs following a natural disaster in PNG

This is the fortnightly newsletter of the Development Policy Centre at Crawford School of Public Policy, The Australian National University, published every second Friday.

Development Policy Centre

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