20 July 2012 Renewable energy targets in the Pacific: Why are unrealistic targets adopted? by Matthew Dornan
11 July 2012 Pacific Buzz (July 11): Voting in Timor and PNG | Growing Pacific economies | Pacific arts showcased | Unrealistic energy targets | Flags of convenience … and more by Devpolicy-PiPP
5 April 2012 Missing the peat for the trees? A response to the Olbrei-Howes KFCP critique by Jonathan Pickering
22 March 2012 A very real and practical contribution? Lessons from the Kalimantan Forests and Climate Partnership by Erik Olbrei and Stephen Howes
22 February 2012 Small States, High Oil Prices: The Risk Mitigation Benefits of Renewable Technologies in the Pacific by Matthew Dornan and Frank Jotzo
1 February 2012 Climate Change Adaptation in Pacific island countries: Donors, Big Men, Real Options by Matthew Dornan
22 December 2011 Empty shell or nest egg: what next for climate finance after Durban? by Jonathan Pickering
13 December 2011 Development Buzz (December 13): Durban COP17 | Neglected diseases | International days | GLBTI rights and aid by Ashlee Betteridge